Monday, August 31, 2009

Jesus Man - 29 (In the middle of your heart!)

I love Jesus! I love Children, and I love toms! Especially Gray Toms!!!!! Seriously. Jesus is amazing! PTL for Toms, and My life is children. Youth ministry all the way!

Listen, ducks, your Auntie Jane has a confession. I did not have the faintest idea what a Gray Tom was when it was at home. First my mind went, as it so often does, to pussy...

Then to some weird sex act that I couldn't quite picture, possibly involving a sootikin...

But when I couldn't find anything on, I heaved my mind out of the gutter and realized it was a shoe.

Thanks for getting me all worked up over nothing, Jesus Man!

Also, while google-imaging for a good Jesus-suffering-the-little-brats figurine, I discovered that you can buy all sorts of goodies for the Jesus Man in your life at My Special Place. Jesus...My Special Place...hmm, haven't seen
The Exorcist in a while...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Janey, I totally thought it was about cats too! Can he really mean those shoes? I've seen some shoes I would PTL for, but those are not them.
