Let your imagination run wild.......I did it- I said it- I meant it- and I'd do it again.....I am an unabashed pasta-a-phile........To heck with walks on the beach- and holding hands in public...That's a bunch of rubish......I utilize Gods given flavors as a reason to roll over- and pooch your hips up- and take it like an Italian(although I'm full Irish-American)........There are SO many things you can do with a noodle.......You can bake it- baste it- paste it- then masticate it.........Left-overs never had it so good.......So if you want to post your fluffy/sappy/whiney self absorbed diatribes on CL hoping to zero in on your incomplete love-list- along with your pre-conceived notions of what "love" is- and your unrealistic expectations of what it takes to win your affections- simply because you've been given a V-shaped patch of fur- then go right ahead.......But if you're looking for "pasta love" - Then look no further....Nothing says "love" like Lasagne.........And to then willingly- and gleefully attend to each other in this most culinarial manner- is to experience that which has yet to be iterated to the masses.........I hope to be a "beacon for sneakin'"- that which is usually left for the following day - In short - I believe Lasagne has many more utilizations than has ever before been considered.....And so I ask you to consider this - I am yours for the bakin'(I mean- "takin'")..........Anyways - Let no Lasagne be left unbunned.......Nothing feels as tintilating as a smack on the back-side- which has been previously slathered with lasagne.....And with that- I'll leave you to your imagination - I know I've got mine......Your pic will certainly accentuate that which I've just intimated.........Bye for now, Lazarus Latimure Lasagmier

Oooh, baybee... I had a little Italian in me last night, and i wouldn't mind doing it again...
Here's my picture:

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