THE most interesting MAN in the WORLD (pt.2) (ART STUDIO) most likely NOT me, haha....but here's a few things about Moi. I love pizza, ART, whiskey, Ranch Dressing, and Tuna with Red Apple chunks in it. I hate hummus, diet anything, WENDYS, and guacamole. I suffer from severe insomnia. I am better at arguing than you (not true). You are better at dancing than me. I can't sing for shit (not true either). I am quite Handsome *The 'infamous' baffled look* There is nothing sexier than great conversation. I'd rather try to get smoke inside of a glass bottle using a baseball bat than listen to someone complain. I believe in treating people how you want to be treated. I am a HUGE Shannyn Sossamon fan. I brush my teeth with hot water. I am a sucker for motivational quotes. Going to church doesn't make you any more a Christian than going to the garage makes you a car. I don't watch too much tv. I love seafood, but if it has tentacles, even more so. I grind my teeth when I get nervous. I dont give third chances. I can slam a revolving door. I adore Kind People. Saying "thank you" and "please" is extremely important. I pretty much live for, Art, Music and Comedy. If you let your friends drive drunk, you have no soul. I think shit-talking on the internet is about as useful as trying to kill an elephant by throwing a tic tac at it. I WILL beat you at the stare down game. I love grapefruit flavored anything. Laughter can cure more than you think. The 'new mullet' is the dude with the shaved head, goatee, and a tattoo sleeve--simple as that. Period. Screamo type music just DOES. Spell check is one of the best inventions next to the wheel. I can give a better Blue Steel than Zoolander. I have a strange obsession with people who would add Tila Tequila as a friend. If you have a "metal mulisha" or "Kottonmouth Kings" sticker on the back of your lifted truck, you have NOTHING to say that I could possibly be interested in. I dislike ignorance. I wish I could use the 'I'm invisible' mind trick on people. The "25 year old balding/comb over jacuzzi mcdougal", and the "Drunk white girl who can't dance" are the best people to stare at while at a club. Money doesn't impress me. I love browsing CL, because it makes me chuckle. Songs are more important than bands. I wonder if the Devil listens to shitty bands/rappers like 50 Cent, Rolling Stones (since 1977), or U2 (since 1987). Shannyn Sossamon needs to marry me. There will never be another Johnny Cash or Elvis (good on the Elvis one). Can't believe you just read all of my rambling=THANK YOU!.............Message me with a photo...or NOT!

They look like big, good, strong hands, don't they... I always thought that's what they were."
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