Home all day making jewlery, want to join me??
I'm gong to be home all day working on my jewlwey..
i cut cabochons, wire wrap, silver smith
Its called lapidary art and its a great hobby to make money with and be 623 creative. I'm 41, a dad, easy going, professional and outgoig, optimistic,,363 Live in phx 14 years now, love the sun. You can call or text me...7256 I made the bracelet below, its petrified bogwood set in silver. What i"m looking for is a good woman to go out with and get to know that can grow to be my girlfriend. She shoud be smart, optimistic, funloving, likes to cuddle with a movie, and go out too. I like dong most all the normal stuff, love to eat and try new things, bar games, swport events, museums...just want a good normal fun gal!! Artists welcome to applY or if you like art too. LOL somone called me and asked myname,, she sounded on the angry side to start,, she asks my name. I said John. That is my name. She said something stupid and accused me of lying, and said somehting else about yeah your all johns right??" Then she hung up. Why do people do dum stuff like that?? Why the hatred?? No sence to me.

Mmmm, honeychile, Auntie Jane just loves jewlwey. I'm not sure about the bracelet, though. Bogwood? Don't get me wrong, Auntie loves wood, but I try to keep the bog out of the picture, you know?
Coincidentally, I love dong too! Maybe I should call...