Need the help from a Very Attractive Female
My wife of almost 20 years has decided that she no longers wants to be married. We have 3 sons and she has run off to sow her wild oats. However we both have face book accounts and she is still listed as my friend. What I am looking for is a Beautiful woman who would be willing to invite me to be your friend on facebook so when my, what ever you would like to refer to her as, (she thinks she is a cougar) looks at my friend list she sees you and wonders who you are. If you are not willing to do this I understand but I would love for her to think that it took me no time at all to find a women that was more Beautiful than her.
I am waiting for your response with a picture
Oh, this modern love, with the Facebook and the Twitter and the Sexting and that thing with the person...oh, that monkey's gonna pay.
Ahem. Never fear, Auntie is here to help. This is the lovely Vera Krasikova. She is 25 and lives in Kiev. She is also single! Perhaps you can write to her, c/o the E-Russian Bridess Agency, and suggest that she will reach a larger volume of eligible American men with a Facebook account. It's a win-win situation for both of you!

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