...someone 'Happy'. ...someone 'In-Touch'. ...someone 'Cool' ...
someone ...'CAFFEINE-ADDICTED-FREE'. someone ...Clean, White, NOT-Fat, Pretty, Brushes-Teeth, O-K-Body, Understands-...'Caffeine'/very-important. ...Understands ...Health and has Happy-Pretty-Feet. ...You'll ...likes Pets, Outdoors, Creeks, Redwoods, Bicycles, and ...Motorcycles, too. ...Herb is Understood, and You look Cute/Pretty and/or ...Nice. YOU will have a Brain that Work-Well w/Cooking/Bar-b-q-ing, Hiking, and ...Producing-Babies, if Posssible. 'Get-Back-to-Me' w/Phone-Call, Love, E-mail or Other. ...and for No-Reason-at-All, I'll get You my ...'Web-Site-Address'. ...It relates to the ...TOTAL-ABSOLUTE-DESTRUCTION of CAFFEINE. ...'VIEW-DAILY'. ...Love; Steve
Wait, how am I supposed to stay "NOT-Fat" if I'm smoking herb and not drinking coffee? Seriously, that's a recipe for sitting on the couch all day eating Cheetos dipped in Nutella and watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I just don't see how "Brain that Work-Well w/Cooking/Bar-b-q-ing, Hiking" is possible under those conditions.
Plus, why is Steve so afraid of coffee? Maybe his sadistic parents hung this picture across from his bed:

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